Anvil Studio   Release History
Problems fixed in version 2023.01.01:
- Anvil Studio would crash when File / New was performed after a few VST-Instruments (particularly Serenity) had been loaded.
These VST-Instruments were doing nothing wrong. They were just exercising part of the VST protocol that Anvil Studio was not ready for.
- If a new track was assigned to a VST before notes were added, the first time the song was played, that track would not sound.
Changes in version 2022.07.04:
- Added the menu Track / Map Notes for non-General-MIDI Drum Device...
- Added the ability to save a percussion map by right-clicking the percussion display on rhythm tracks.
- Fixed other miscellaneous bugs.
Changes in version 2022.03.03:
- Improved Edit MIDI Effects... popup menu and renamed it
MIDI Effects (vol, sustain, pitch-bend, ...) and added a Shortcut Key so that it can be associated with a Ctrl+key.
- Dramatically improved the pitch-bend editor.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a Karaoke file to report that not all tracks have the same time signature.
Changes in version 2022.03.02:
- Added the a VST (Virtual Synthesizer) to the free version of Anvil Studio.
It is VSTSynthFontAS32/64.dll from, and comes with a set of General MIDI sounds.
It can load any standard SF2 file for a nearly unlimited set of sounds.
- Fixed a but which could display "Invalid property value Error code: 8004100B"
Changes in version 2022.01.04:
- Added a new action that can be associated with a Shortcut Key named "Move track up in list"
- Added a new Staff Style named "Bass8"
- Added button to the toolbar that shows all .WAV, .AFX, .MFX files that are linked to by the currently loaded .MID songfile.
- Added menu to the Audio file editor: Edit / Insert Silence...
- Fixed problem that would sometimes display an error 10025 when saving a file.
Problems fixed in version 2021.08.02:
- Fixed problems with Fade Out on the View / Mixer Automation screen.
Added the menu Edit / Insert Silence... for use with the Audio editor.
Problems fixed in version 2021.04.01:
- When copying and pasting Karaoke files that have non-English lyrics, the lyrics would sometimes appear with "?" symbols instead of the actual symbol.
Problems fixed in version 2021.02.02:
- File / Save would generate error messages for songs with more than 63 tracks.
It now supports an unlimited number of tracks.
- Fixed Print-Sheet which due to new release of Windows was causing Out of GDI Handles error.
- Increased the upper-limit of Tempo from 300 to 600 Beats Per Minute.
- With Multi-View accessory, list of active tracks being edited is remembered the next time the file is loaded.
Problems fixed in version 2020.12.03:
- The 64-bit version did not work properly with some VSTs that had very large memory demands. This has been fixed.
Problems fixed in version 2020.12.02:
- Version 2020.12.01 got hung loading some MIDI song files.
Problems fixed in version 2020.12.01:
- When running on Windows 7, it would sometimes display the error:
The program can't start because api-ms-win-core-registery-|1-1-0.dll is missing.
- If there were no Audio Out devices connected to the computer, it would sometimes crash during start-up.
Problems fixed in version 2020.09.03:
- MIDI-Format 0 files with lyrics, including some Karaoke files, were sometimes displayed wrong. This has been fixed.
Problems fixed in version 2020.09.02:
- A recent change caused the CopyMe accessory to not work properly. This has now been fixed.
- When loading MIDI files created by other MIDI editors that had several MIDI channels in a single track, the tracks of the song could become mis-aligned and the length of the entire song could be longer than the original. This has now been fixed.
Problems fixed in version 2020.08.03:
- When a keyboard shortcut for "Lock Score" was pressed, it just changed the checkbox without really locking the score.
- When Record Monitor was selected while ASIO was active, pressing REC could crash the system.
- The VU meters did not work properly when recording 32 bits per sample.
- When recording 24 bits per sample, there were rare occations where the program could crash while recording.
Problems fixed in version 2020.06.04:
- In version 2020.06.01 we accidentally prevented insertion of Bank Select MIDI event with the Edit / Insert MIDI Event dialog.
- In version 2020.06.01, when Pro-Mix View / Automation was used, Tempo control was not being displayed properly.
- In version 2020.06.01, inserting a time signature before other time signatures sometimes made the following ones go away.
Changes in version 2020.06.01:
- Added two new buttons to the View / Event List menu.
1) The Filter Events... button allows you to display a specific set of events in the Event List.
2) The Delete Events... button allows you to delete all events that are displayed in the filtered event list,
e.g. if you want to delete all Sustain events, press Filter Events to only display sustain events,
and then press Delete Events... and set the checkbox Displayed Filtered Events.
3) The Insert Event...> button is a shortcut for Edit / Insert MIDI Event...
- Fixed a problem that was added in version 2020.05.01 where after creating a new song and adding notes, pressing play did nothing.
- Songs with lots of samples would sometimes not play some of the samples.
- Fixed a problem where the Piano Roll editor was having trouble displaying tied-note events.
- Print Preview was displaying huge image on high-resolution monitors with more than 96 dots-per-inch.
Changes in version 2020.05.01:
- Fixed some bugs related to VST hosting.
- Added two features to the dialog that is displayed when the SYNC button is pressed at the top of the screen.
- Added this entry under Let another MIDI device control Anvil Studio's Start, Stop, and "clock":
Clock advances one quarter note every time a Note is pressed on a MIDI Master.
- Added Clock advances one quarter note every time CTRL key is pressed.
- Both of these items let you play a pre-recorded song realtime with other band members and keep the playback in sync.
- This does not alter the tempo map the next time the song is played.
- Improved the Edit / Tempo Map menu so that its playback is more consistent during playback.
- Several other minor problems.
Changes in version 2019.10.02:
- Fixed a problem when saving files with aligning different time signatures on different tracks. It would report an error 10025.
- When Pro-Mix accessory is installed, it now works with the latest version of ReWire.
Changes in version 2019.03.01:
- Fixed a recent bug prevented the ability to change a key signature to be the same as the measure before it.
- On large-DPI monitors (>100 dots-per-inch), dragging the mouse over the keyboard would leave dots on the staff editor at the insertion point.
Changes in version 2019.02.05:
- After a recent Windows Update, the menus File/Open and File/Save stopped working computers
where the Hi Contrast system setting was turned on. This has been fixed.
- Tempo can now be entered with a decimal value, e.g. 48.75.
- Tempo value can now be edited in View / Event List editor.
- The menu Track / Align notes with measures, tab Stretch / Compress time,
and the note-attribute popup menus Stretch to start of next measure... and
Compress to start of current measure... now have a checkbox
named Don't change playback speed.
When this checkbox is set, tempo events are inserted
before and after the affected measure so that the playback speed will be unchanged, even though
the notes are lengthened or shortened to look better in the staff editor.
Problems fixed in version 2019.02.01:
- Fixed places where dotted-rests were inappropriately displayed on the staff.
Problems fixed in version 2018.12.03:
- When loading VST-Instruments, the settings from the previous run are remembered.
- Several other minor problems.
Problems fixed in version 2018.12.01:
- On slow machines, if Anvil Studio was left active when the machine went to sleep, when it restarted, the Play position bar and timers at the top of the screen would not get updated.
- When loading some files with multiple ProgramChange events per track, and over 16 MIDI tracks, some notes were getting moved to the wrong track.
- A few other minor problems.
Problems fixed in version 2018.10.03:
- Now, when a metronome click track is created, its time signature matches other tracks.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes caused warnings that track time signatures don't match and was generating error 10025.
Problems fixed in version 2018.10.02:
- When a VST-Instrument was added with the FX button, Anvil Studio was not remembering
the latency for that device when the song file was loaded again later. Now it does.
- Some problems were fixed with the View / Latency menu item.
Problems fixed in version 2018.10.01:
64-bit version can now be downloaded from
- Changing tempo could result in an error 88890014 being generated.
- With the Multi-Audio 8/16 accessory, you can not record MIDI tracks and Audio tracks at the same time.
- Sliders work correctly again for users of the Tascam US428 Mixing Console and Control Surface.
Please tell us at any other Control Surfaces you would like us to support.
- Several other minor problems were fixed.
Changes in version 2018.01.01:
- When selecting View / Upgrade Anvil Studio, it would report that the file asupgr.exe could not be found.
The solution to this problem is to download and run
With version 2018.01.01, View / Upgrade Anvil Studio works as expected.
- Other minor problems were fixed.
Changes in version 2017.12.01:
- When trying to change a time signature, it would sometimes ignore your attempts to do it.
Changes in version 2017.10.06:
- You can now use the menu Track / Create / Audio Track by Importing an Audio File or
File / Import Audio to Active Track from... to import the audio tracks from a Surround Sound .MP4 file.
It allows you to specify which tracks you want to import. It generates a new mono Audio track for each
track selected. This feature requires the Multi-Audio 1/8 accessory.
- Added menu Edit / Find Event... to the Event List viewer so you can move the cursor by searching for specific events.
- Fixed a problem with Edit / Undo when Event List was active.
- Fixed several problems with the 64-bit beta version, which can be downloaded from:
Problems fixed in version 2017.10.03:
- In version 2017.10.01, when a range of notes were selected, and the Lengthen Note function was attempted, it would complain that it would result in 2 notes of the same pitch being at the same time.
Problems fixed in version 2017.10.01:
- Rests were sometimes not displayed correctly on the staff.
- Aux Busses are now listed in a more useful order.
- The menu View / Mixer Automation was being displayed.
Changes in version 2017.03.04:
- Made improvements so it can play very large MIDI files (see without missing a beat.
Changes in version 2017.03.03:
- Since version 2017.03.01, some features of Edit / Change Volume or Pitch were not working correctly. This is now fixed.
Changes in version 2017.03.01:
- Added options to the menu Edit / Change Volume or Pitch, Move or Delete notes
that allow you to change Enharmonic and stem direction properties for all notes of a given pitch.
- Changed Note Properties window so that you can directly edit the time of an event.
- It now works properly when Anvil Studio exits while the screen is minimized or maximized.
- In previous versions, changing the Time or Key signatures at time 0 caused all following Time or Key signatures to be deleted.
Now, it prompts to ask if this is what you want done.
- When you press CTRL while mouse is over a notehead to shift its start time, more info about the note is displayed.
- Fixed problems:
- Setting View / Options / Font could cause "Invalid Property" error to occur.
Changes in version 2017.02.02:
- In previous versions, some notes not in the current key were displayed as double-sharps instead of naturals.
It now displays these accidentals in a more conventional way. If you prefer the way they were displayed before, you don't need to edit anything. Just select View / Options, select the MIDI tab, and set the check box:
Display note accidentals the same as versions before 2017
- It now displays changes to tempo while the song is playing rather just when the song stops.
Problems fixed in version 2017.01.04:
- In version 2017.01.01, the Multi-View accessory stopped working. (sorry...)
Problems fixed in version 2017.01.01:
- A few Audio devices (Blue Snowball, TASCAM US-16x08, and possibly others) caused Anvil Studio to complain about a sample rate error when used with the Core Audio system. This has been fixed.
- When using ASIO audio mode, with the Multi-Audio 8/16 accessory, you can now record 8 MONO audio tracks at the same time,
where earlier versions would only let you record 4 Stereo audio tracks.
- Several other minor problems were fixed.
Problems fixed in version 2016.12.01:
- Fixed a problem that caused Error: Audio device reported unknown error. Error code: 80042001 on some computers.
Problems fixed in version 2016.11.02:
- Reduced the number of times AnvilStudio opens and closes MIDI Out ports, which allows it to work MUCH better with Coolsoft's VirtualMidiSynthesizer,
which we highly recommend, and can be downloaded for free from
- For files that were saved with disabled tracks in version 2016.10.01 and later, when they were reloaded, the tracks were no longer disabled.
Changes in version 2016.11.01:
- When using Print-Sheet to produce a conductor's score with a fixed number of bars per line, notes in different tracks now line up perfectly.
- Added a property to the Keyboard to allow it to be displayed left-aligned on the screen, bringing it closer to the Note Duration fields above it.
- The Piano Roll editor's Show All Sounds Used menu item now hides unused note ranges as well.
- Fixed problems:
- a track be played as Piano when another instrument was desired.
- songs with repeated loops, where the loops had time signatures that did not agree, the song could get out of alignment with other tracks. The files weren't damaged, they just need to be opened in the new version.
- problem was introduced in version 2016.10.01 where it was unable to record a new MIDI track if the song had an audio track and no other MIDI tracks.
Changes in version 2016.10.01:
- When composing songs with a VST-Instrument, latency is now kept low even if the Audio Output Buffers is set very high.
- More improvements to buffer management when recording and playing back audio
so the chance of stopping because of running out of buffers is reduced quite a bit.
- Added control to View / Options / General so that you can create a simple or full diagnostic log file any time without
having to start Anvil Studio while pressing the SHIFT or CTRL keys.
- Fixed a problem that could crash Anvil Studio when using multiple cores, multiple Audio busses, and VST-Instruments.
Problems fixed in version 2016.09.01:
- Sometimes saving a song reported error 10025 saying time/key signatures were different in different tracks of the song.
- Using ASIO sometimes reported a parameter error.
- Improved buffer management when recording and playing back audio.
- Fixed various other small problems.
Changes in version 2016.07.01:
- Fixed a problem with opening a MIDI Out port on some versions of Windows 10.
Changes in version 2016.06.01:
- Added a MIDI Clock Divide field for every synthesizer shown by the View/Synthesizers menu.
- Fixed Problems:
- Fixed Insert Chord so that it displays the correct accidentals for each note in the chord.
- Printing sheet music would sometimes display the wrong bar number.
- View / Options, General tab, Template file now works correctly again.
Problems fixed in version 2016.04.01:
- When 2 different VST-Instruments were being played at the same time,
sometimes, an error 0x8004122F got generated and playback stopped.
Changes in version 2016.02.04:
- Enhanced the menu Edit / Change Volume or Pitch, Move, or delete notes
and the pop-up note-properties menu Change Volume or Pitch of notes.
- Enhanced the menu Track / Align...
- Fixed a bug where a couple of forms didn't display properly after the View / Options / Font button was used to increase the font size used by Anvil Studio.
- Fixed some minor bugs with the way notes were displayed in the staff editor.
Changes in version 2016.02.01:
- Added menu Track / Limit the number of notes played at the same time...
so you can easily change a track to never play more than 1, 2, ... notes at a time.
- Added a new option to the Track / Align Notes menu. It evenly distributes the start times of selected notes.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some 8th/16th notes to be drawn without a stem.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the recording of Control Change events from external MIDI devices
unless View / Option / MIDI / Record Program Change Events was set.
- Several other minor bug fixes.
Changes in version 2016.01.01:
- Because of recent changes with Windows Code Signing, we now have 2 different locations for downloads:
- Made improvements to the Chord Finder tool in the staff editor.
- Made improvements to the Piano Roll editor.
- Fixed several bugs.
Problems fixed in version 2015.12.02:
- Music Drills accessories had a problem with the Practice / Ear training / Dictation exercise.
- Performance Toolpack 1 accessories had problems with these tools: MIDI Controller, MIDI Switch, Arpeggio, and Staff.
Problems fixed in version 2015.09.01:
- Fixed some problems with the menu File / Export Mixed Audio that occurred on Windows XP.
- Deleting a MIDI track when all remaining tracks were Audio tracks could cause Anvil Studio to crash.
Problems fixed in version 2015.08.03:
- Version 2015.08.01 had a bug with the menus File / Repair Song, and Track / Repair Track.
Problems fixed in version 2015.08.02:
- Fixed problem with recording MIDI SysEx events.
Changes in version 2015.08.01:
- When Enharmonic is set for a note in the staff editor, the menu Track / Add Chord Labels now reacts accordingly.
- Improved the menu View / Lyrics in a window without notes.
- Improved Cue creation and positioning.
- When a Synthesizer's MIDI-Thru checkbox is set in View / Synthesizers...
and the Sync button has been set to Let another MIDI device control Anvil Studio's Start, Stop, and "clock" (tempo)
Anvil Studio now forwards timing and start/stop/continue events as well as other MIDI events.
- Improved the dialog brought up by menu View / Synthesizers's Add a Synthesizer button, in particular, the MIDI Synthesizer tab.
- Fixed problems:
- The menus Track / Clone and Track / Repair could cause any Program Change events beyond time 0 to be deleted.
- An error could be reported if a track's MIDI channel was changed during song playback.
Problems fixed in version 2015.07.01:
- When printing a conductor's score, it sometimes reported error code 9322 Parameter is not valid.
- Error code 1001 Index beyond the bounds.
- Fixed a "memory leak" problem which caused Anvil Studio to consume more memory the longer it ran.
Changes in version 2015.06.02:
- Improved placement of rests on the staff.
Changes in version 2015.06.01:
- Several minor problems were fixed.
Changes in version 2015.05.01:
- When loading songs created or edited by other programs, if that program introduced a time or key signature that did not fall on a measure boundary,
Anvil Studio gives options to either move the time signature to the next measure or insert time to shift the time signature to the next measure.
In previous versions, it would always insert space which could cause tracks to play back out of sync.
- Added Hide Stems to the menu item Track / Track Properties for use in chant notation.
- Made the popup menu item Move note to other clef visible when multiple notes are selected.
- Added a shortcut key to View / Options for Insert Chord Label.
Problems fixed in version 2015.04.02:
- On Windows XP, since version 2015.01.01, if a song had only MONO Audio tracks,
and the Audio Out button was set to Stereo, the audio tracks were playing at half-speed.
- Since version 2015.01.01, the Performance Tool Pack accessory's MIDI Controller tool displayed an error message if you tried to edit its properties.
Changes in version 2015.04.01:
- Added a shortcuts for View Composer, View Piano Roll, View Tablature, View Events to View / Options / General.
- Fixed minor problems with View / Latency.
- Cut Time measures were displaying 4/4 instead of 2/4 time.
- Version 2015.03.01 caused the Print-Sheet accessory to not print final rests in the last measure of each line.
- When printing a Conductor's Score, rests now line up in all tracks the same way notes do.
- Increased the kinds of badly formatted MIDI files that File / Repair can fix.
Changes in version 2015.03.01:
- Improved the View / Synthesizers menu so that the free version now supports outputting to two different MIDI Synthesizers on different MIDI Out ports at the same time.
The Pro-Mix accessory still supports outputting to an unlimited number of MIDI Synthesizers and VST-Instruments.
- Improved the menus File / Export Karaoke file and File / Export MIDI Format 0 file.
- Allowed the Karaoke-formatting new line '/' and new page '\' symbols to be inserted in song lyrics, and
added the button Delete Karaoke formatting chars to the View / Lyrics window so they can be easily deleted when printing sheet music.
- Added Song Title and Artist to View / Track Comments, which causes those attributes to be exported to Karaoke song files.
- Improved View / Lyrics in window without notes by preserving time of lyrics that are not associated with notes.
Also added a checkbox Snap lyrics to nearest note which is the way it always used to work.
- The Step button and the shortcut Step forward in song now play the next note in the active track.
- Added a shortcut for Play selected notes in a loop to View / Options / General.
- Added a section Creating Karaoke song files to Help / Tutorials.
Fixed problems in version 2015.02.01:
- If backspace was pressed in staff editor with an empty track, it would insert rests.
- These error messages were sometimes displayed:
Unexpected internal error code: 80041209, and
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- When using Anvil Studio with ReWire, it would sometimes report the error:
"Engine not responding, please check your Rewire Host".
- It did not used to work well with ReWire device or channel names that had non-ANSI characters.
- Since version 2015.01.08, Anvil Studio could freeze and become unresponsive if it had an upbeat
after a time signature other than 4/4, and with some VST-Instruments, e.g. EZDrummer.
- Guitar tuning tool in the View / Keyboard + Guitar properties menu.
Changes in version 2015.01.14:
- When printing with fixed number of bars per line, ties between measures were sometimes stretched too far.
- Bar number printing was incorrect when printing a song that had a time signature at the start of a line.
- Fixed a problem that could "freeze" Anvil Studio when using some specific VST-Instruments.
- Added "Make note louder" and "Make note quieter" to the staff editor's note properties popup.
- Added Tempo button option "Constant tempo from current position to end."
- Improved the placement and order of rests within the staff editor.
- Added support for the Hindi font "Mangal".
- Improved performance so it is less likely to say "Anvil Studio was unable to mix and play this song fast enough".
- Fixed problems:
- In version 2015.01.11 could freeze when staff editor was in grid mode.
- With some configurations, playing audio tracks with master-mix effects could crash Anvil Studio.
- With some configurations, playing a song never stopped until the Stop button was pressed.
- Playing a song from the middle could cause audio and MIDI tracks to be played out-of-sync.
- Playing audio tracks with master-mix effects could crash Anvil Studio.
- When positioning the cursor and pressing the Play button it would sometimes generate no sound on VST-Instrument tracks.
- VST-Instrument tracks would sometimes contain some distorted sounds, particularly at the end of a song.
- Sometimes, when entering notes from external MIDI keyboard to track played by VSTi, it would make a distortion noise.
- When song had VST-Instrument tracks, when entering notes from external MIDI keyboard during composition, or during playback, it would sometimes cause distortion.
- Track / Transpose sometimes made mistakes on songs that included loops.
- Adjusting a track's volume or L/R Balance column while a song was playing would not update the display properly.
- File / Save sometimes generated error code 10025.
Changes in version 2014.11.01:
- When using Edit / Insert MIDI Event to insert a Reset All Controllers event, it is inserted before other controller events that occur at the same time.
Similarly, controller events are inserted after any Reset All Controllers events that occur at the same time.
- Fixed these problems that were introduced in version 2014.10.01:
- The menu File / Merge Song... was not working at all.
- In some configurations, using Auxiliary Busses was not releasing RAM, causing Anvil Studio to run out of memory after playing several songs.
- If a playlist contained the command "Pause For [hour:min:sec]" (e.g. Pause For 0:0:5), it would report an error.
Changes in version 2014.10.01:
- Made Audio processing more stable by fixing intermittent problems with VST-Instrument, Core Audio, ASIO, and DirectX, File/Export Mixed Audio.
- Added 4 Auxiliary Audio Busses to the Pro-Mix accessory.
Each audio/VST-Instrument track can be mixed to one or more busses that include
Master Audio Out and Auxiliary busses A,B,C,D.
Each auxiliary bus can have its own chain of effects and its output can
be either mixed back into another bus or sent to an audio out device.
This can be used to create Surround Sound audio files.
It can also be used to give each performer a different headphone or monitor mix that might
include a click track that is not part of the Master Audio Out mix.
- Added a new Time/Position display option: Hour:Min:Second:Millisecond.
Changes in version 2014.09.08:
- Enhanced the menu Track / Split Track Using Keyboard Split Point so that it can either move
notes above a certain pitch to a new track, or move them to the upper clef, and all others to the lower clef.
Also fixed a bug with this menu item.
- Piano Roll's zoom-in/out buttons support more gradual levels of zoom.
- When mouse moves over Piano Roll's grid or keyboard, current note is displayed at the top of the screen.
- Works better with songs created by other programs that have low 'Ticks per Quarter Note' property.
- In previous versions, recording a MIDI track to a song only remained in sync when the song had constant tempo.
Now, the new track is in sync with existing song's tempo changes (i.e. MIDI Tempo events).
- Problems fixed:
- When Print Sheet's Clef Spacing property was adjusted, some notation in bass
clef was being displayed at a different location than it was displayed in the staff editor.
- When dragging the last pixel of start or end of a note in the Piano Roll, it would not drag the existing note.
- When clicking line above track list, and dragging the mouse down, it swapped the top track with an "invisible" 1st track with no assigned device.
- Several other minor Piano Roll problems.
Problems fixed in version 2014.09.06:
- Improved Practice / Ear training / Voice
Problems fixed in version 2014.09.05:
- When stopping a song that was playing to a VST-Instrument, it sometimes left sustained notes playing.
- In version 2014.09.01, when recording a track in the Audio Editor, the track data did not appear immediately when recording finished.
- In version 2014.09.01 copying between 2 running Anvil Studio programs did not work.
- Practice / Ear Training / Voice would display a series of error messages when the number of audio input buffers was low.
- PacketTooLarge error sometimes occurred on some systems when exporting mixed audio when speakers were configured as surround-sound.
Problems fixed in version 2014.09.01:
- The Staff editor's Lyrics Font button was showing the font most recently set rather than currently-loaded song's font.
- Piano Roll's Edit / Paste was changing the scrollable range of notes in the Piano Roll editor.
- When making selections on the Piano Roll, it didn't show the selection until mouse was released.
- Since version 2014.08.05, right-clicking a note and selecting Change, Move or Delete all instances of a note / Delete all instances of this note
was deleting all instances of all notes.
- The Piano Roll was sometimes not tracking the song's play position.
- Selecting File / Exit sometimes reported the error
"A COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW can not be used".
- Menu View / Latency / Analyze / Start is now more accurate.
- Menus File / Export Mixed Audio, and Track / Create / Audio track by mixing ... now work when audio out device is configured for surround sound or quadraphonic.
They still produce Mono or Stereo output, but they used to generate noise when the device was configured that way.
Changes in version 2014.08.12:
- Now displays large current position in 2 formats in the top-right: Hour:Min:Sec:Frame and Bar:Beat:Ticks
- Made the Copy-Me accessory's player-piano function faster so that it even shows notes of very short duration.
- Fixed problems:
- Changing a note's duration with the Note Properties window was reporting that it conflicted with an existing note.
- Positioning at the end of the song and selecting Edit / Insert Rests into All Tracks was reporting an internal error.
Problems fixed in version 2014.08.10:
- Piano Roll and Rhythm editors now allow you to press the mouse to start a note, and drag to the end of the note, and then release the mouse.
- Since version 2014.08.03, clicking an existing note failed to delete the note, and could result in error code 10026.
- In version 2014.08.09, using Note Properties to change the pitch of a note could cause error code 10026.
- All known causes of error code 10026 have been fixed.
Problems fixed in version 2014.08.09:
- Track / Transpose would sometimes incorrectly complain that it could not be done because it would conflict with an existing note.
- Since 2014.07.01, File / Export Mixed Audio and Track / Create / Audio track by Mixing would sometimes incorrectly complain that it was unable to record fast enough.
- Since 2014.07.01, CopyMe was sometimes not highlighting the first note.
- When using Note Properties to change the volume of note(s), it would report an error:
Unable to perform this operation because it would result in two notes of the same pitch being played at the same time on the same track.
Changes in version 2014.08.06:
- Enhanced View / Event List. When a track contains loops, you can view events for individual loops, just the track-level events, or the merged set of all loops, exactly as the track will be played.
- Enhanced the Pro-Mix accessory so that you can graphically modify or reset Note Volume exactly the same way as Tempo or MIDI Channel Volume.
- Improved View / Repair Song to give detailed reports of changes made.
- On the View / Synthesizers menu, added "MIDI Thru" support for VST-Instruments.
When set, incoming MIDI Events are always echoed to that VST-Instrument for realtime playback.
Also reduced the latency/delay for MIDI-Thru.
- When the mouse hovers over a note, information about that note is now displayed at the top of the screen.
- Fixed problems:
- If playback was paused and a note was inserted without first clicking on the staff, the new note was not inserted precisely at the position indicated by the cursor.
- The duration of quintuplet and septuplet notes were twice as long as they should have been.
- For some MIDI songs created by other programs, lyrics were visible on the staff, but not visible in the editing field "Lyrics line 1".
- Anvil Studio wasn't displaying any lyrics that began with Unicode characters ending in 0x40 or 0x2F.
- The following actions sometimes reported error 10026 in previous versions, but no longer do:
- Edit / Insert Rests into All Tracks when there was a chord at the insertion point.
- Menus Edit / Paste Mix or Track / Merge when a tied note in the source conflicted with an existing note in the destination.
- Track / Transpose and Edit / Change Notes.
Changes in version 2014.07.06:
- Improved File / Open so that it is able to load and repair seriously-badly-formatted .MID files.
- Right-clicking the 1st of two tied notes and selecting the menu Split into two notes resulted in error code 10026.
- Improved the menu File / Repair Song, but removed the File / Open prompt suggesting the song be repaired.
- Eliminated some places where Anvil Studio was "Unable to mix and play fast enough".
- Was reporting error 10026 and saying that song files needed to be repaired more often than necessary.
- File / Repair Song was unnecessarily shifting lyrics for Tie events.
- View / Latency / Start / Analyze was unnecessarily loud.
- When Pro-Mix accessory is installed, songs that use ReWire to coordinate with other audio applications, e.g. Reason,
used to only work with ASIO, but now work equally well when using Core Audio, which has some pros/cons compared to ASIO.
- Added a partial reset button to View / Options / General.
- Added two new flavors of reset buttons to Pro-Mix's Control / Reset Automation panel.
- When loading a song that has connections to the same ReWire apps as the previous song, the other ReWire apps don't need to be restarted.
- Renamed Piano Roll's "Add Sounds..." button to "Note Range...".
- Fixed problems:
- Several actions caused it to report error 10026.
- Inserting a rest at the start of a track would sometimes shift the initial ProgramChange event.
- In some configurations, File / Export Mixed Audio would incorrectly report the error 'Device does not support the requested bits-per-sample or sample-rate.'
- File / Export Mixed Audio now works well when the song includes ReWire tracks.
- For songs with lots of tempo changes, that were played to VST-Instruments, if playback was started past the beginning of the song,
it could be silent for the 1st few seconds.
- Fixed a problem that caused the error "COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used."
- When Test MIDI Connections screen was visible, and USB-MIDI cable was unplugged, it would report "Out of memory". Now it handles this case gracefully.
- In Piano Roll, pressing Add Sounds after pressing the button that toggles between horizontal and vertical layout caused strange behavior.
- Several additional minor bugs were fixed.
Changes in version 2014.06.01:
- When recording MIDI tracks, device latency is used to keep all tracks in sync. This was already done when recording Audio tracks.
- Made Multi-Audio accessory's playback of audio tracks more efficient so it doesn't report that it cannot keep up.
- Improved the View / CPU Performance menu.
- Remembers View / Options / Audio / samples per buffer from one session to the next.
- You can now select, move, and resize elements inserted with Edit / Insert Notation / Text by clicking anywhere on the text.
- Added View / Options keyboard short cuts for selecting next/previous track.
- Fixed problems:
- playback with several VST-Instruments could sometimes crash the program.
- Track / Create / Audio track from... sometimes forgot the .WAV file associated with that track when the song was later loaded.
- When Audio metronome was used, it did not respond to the Metronome volume property the same as when the MIDI metronome is used.
- Fixed a number of small bugs, mostly related to audio recording and playback.
Changes in version 2014.05.02:
- In the staff editor, you can select the right-half of a tied note and press up/down arrow to break the tie and change its pitch.
You can also press Ctrl+Up/Down arrow to raise or lower the selected note(s) by an octave.
- Fixed problems:
- if the MIDI Mapper had been disabled, it was not accessing other MIDI Out ports.
- When computer had no Audio In devices, it could report Division by zero when exporting mixed audio.
- When selecting View / Upgrade Anvil Studio, it sometimes reported that a file was in use.
- A cosmetic problem with the staff background color/texture.
- In 2014.05.01, View / Composer's Staccato check box was broken.
- In 2014.05.01, with some configurations, recording a MONO audio track could cause it to sound an octave lower when played back (opposite of chipmunk effect).
Changes in version 2014.04.03:
- Made Help / Search much faster.
- Added several tools to the toolbar.
- On the View / Mixer screen, when VU is pressed, or when recording, you can change a track's Volume slider to adjust the audio input channel's
record volume level.
When VU is not pressed, and not recording, changing a track's Volume slider continues to alter the track's playback volume.
- Can now record channels from audio devices that have more than 2 channels when using Core Audio on Win Vista and later.
In the past, audio devices that had more than 2 audio input channels presented themselves as multiple devices,
each with 2 input channels. Newer devices present themselves with a single device and many audio channels.
- Fixed problems:
- Names of Audio In devices were sometimes inaccurate in previous versions when using Core Audio.
- Deleting a track that was tied to VST-Instrument by clicking the FX column could cause problems.
- Pressing VU and then REC could sometimes incorrectly report that it could not record fast enough.
Changes in version 2014.03.01:
- Added Skins to the View / Options menu allowing textured surfaces and a paper surface in the Staff editor.
- Added MSECs to add to end of VST-Instrument playback to the Audio tab of the View / Options menu.
For example, this could be set this to 1000 to add 1 second to playback so final notes don't get cut off during playback with a VST instrument that has a very long release.
- Made a few improvements for loading and merging very very long MIDI files, and fixed a few minor bugs.
- Changed the behavior of the DEL key in the staff editor. If one or more notes are are the cursor, and none of them has been individually selected, pressing DEL deletes the notes but does not shift notes that follow. If no notes are at the cursor, DEL deletes the rest at the cursor, shifting all following notes left.
- Improved the mechanism for entering notes from an external MIDI keyboard when the Piano Roll editor is active, particularly with regard to the setting of the Insert Mode checkbox.
- When the Staff editor was set to grid mode, the measures drawn were not accurately reflecting time signatures used.
- Fixed a problem with File / Export Mixed Audio when exporting some non-WAV formats.
Changes in version 2014.02.03:
- Added View / CPU Performance menu which shows how CPU Cores are utilized by active VSTs.
- Enhanced the FX window so that a VST-Instrument can be removed and replaced by another without having to remove all VSTs on the track.
- Enhanced the menu Edit / Change, Move, Delete all instances of a note so that you can use it to:
- Move all notes for a particular note or drum sound to a new track.
- Delete all notes of a particular note or drum sound.
- Change the note volume of all notes in a track, or just notes of a particular pitch or drum sound. The volume can be changed to a constant or by a percentage.
- Works well on Windows 8 touch screen tablets.
- Fixed problems
- After a song reached the end, pressing Play again would sometimes not rewind the song and start playing from the beginning.
- Eliminated some prompts that occurred when soundcard's sample rate was 48000 samples per second instead of 44100.
- When playing songs overloaded with VST-Instruments, it could sometimes cause Anvil Studio to report errors, including Audio Can't Keep Up.
- When song had End Repeat symbol at the end of the last line, the Print-Sheet accessory would sometimes print an extra blank staff line.
Changes in version 2014.02.01:
- Made the Piano Roll / Rhythm editor faster when working with large song files.
- Enhanced View / Options / MIDI / Triggers so that, when composing, you can change the duration of the next note by pressing a key on an external MIDI keyboard.
- Added features that make Anvil Studio work better with Ryger stage lighting controller.
- Staff editor's cursor was sometimes not displayed until the staff was clicked.
- The menus Practice / Timing and Practice / Ear Training / Dictation were ignoring tempo settings.
- The menu Practice / Notes was sometimes not responding to external MIDI keyboards.
- Sync / Midi Time Code (SMPTE) Slave Mode was not tracking the master clock perfectly when 16th notes were being played.
- Fixed some bugs in Piano Roll / Rhythm editor related to loops.
- When editing a sample, the DEL key was ignored, preventing the deletion of a selection.
- Fixed a bug that could cause either of these errors:
Reference to released object, or
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Changes in version 2014.01.01:
- Values set by the menu Edit / Set Record+Play Start+End Times are kept consistent when the tempo is changed.
- The menu Edit / Insert MIDI Event now allow insertion of BankMsb BankLsb events to a track.
- It now works with VST-Instruments that generate more than 2 output channels, including DSK DrumZ.
- Improved the menus File / Repair Song and Track / Repair Track.
- Fixed a recently-introduced bug that was preventing changing the time signature of a song back to the default 4/4.
Changes in version 2013.12.01:
- The audio editor now allows you to zoom out, and then position the cursor way beyond the end of the audio track and then select Edit / Paste.
- Fixed an audio editor insertion point problem.
- When selecting a single note in the staff editor, and then using the arrow keys to move the note up or down on the staff,
the note will remain selected so you can press up/down arrow multiple times to move a single note.
Changes in version 2013.10.03:
- Improved the Sync button used to sync a clock with external hardware MIDI devices, including fixing a few problems.
- Quickly locate vocal or other kinds of tracks by right-clicking a track and select Set track color to give each track a different color, e.g.
- Fixed problems:
- In the staff editor, Ctrl+Shift+End (to select to the end of track), followed by copy & paste would insert extra rests past the end of the pasted notes.
- In the staff editor, Right-arrow would sometimes not advance past the last visible note on the screen.
Changes in version 2013.10.01:
- For VST-Instruments added on the View / Synthesizer screen, added the ability to load/save a .FXP preset file or .FXB bank file.
- For the Print-Sheet accessory, improved the ability to control clef and staff spacing on the page, allowing for more staffs per page.
- Fixed an error introduced into version 2013.08.01 where it would sometimes report an error Error: First you need to set one or more tracks to this channel.
- Fixed several other minor bugs.
Changes in version 2013.09.01:
- The free version of Anvil Studio now supports ASIO, because some soundcards only work well with ASIO drivers.
- Fixed a few problems with the display of enharmonic notes.
- Added File / Print Preview with a keyboard shortcut when the Print-Sheet accessory is installed.
- Made changes so that it works with more VSTs, including Antares Audio Technologies.
Changes in version 2013.08.01:
- Free version now supports a single VST-Effect or VST-Instrument. Pro-Mix accessory supports an unlimited number.
- Added support for VSTs from more vendors, including Antares Audio Technologies
- In staff editor, you now can click on a single note of a chord and edit operations will only affect that note instead of all notes that occur at the same time.
The selected note is highlighted with a rectangle drawn around it.
- When a chord is selected, the entire chord's duration can be changed in the Properties window.
- Improved usability of Piano Roll, Add Sounds button.
Changes in version 2013.07.04:
- Fixed some problems with the menu Track / Create / Metronome Click Track.
Changes in version 2013.07.03:
- Added new checkbox to View / Options / Staff named When creating new song files, save lyrics using Unicode UTF-8.
- Fixed some problems with the Chord Finder tool which was first released in version 2013.07.01.
- Changed Cue so that it can position to any note. Before, it would always position at the first note of the measure where the Cue point was created.
Changes in version 2013.07.02:
- Added a Bars per Line control to the File / Print menu

When set to variable, it works as it has in the past, evenly spacing notes across the line, fitting as many bars onto the line as possible.
For example:

When set to any other value, it evenly spaces notes across each bar, keeping a fixed number of bars close to equal width.
When the same example as above is changed to 3 bars per line, it now looks like this:

- Problems fixed in version 2013.07.02:
- Since version 2013.04.02, clicking to changing the song's position caused the Tempo display to always be 1-click behind.
Changes in version 2013.07.01:
- Added Chord Finder... button and tool to the staff editor's Chord tab.
Use it to see all chords that include one or more particular notes,
see optional guitar fingerings for chords, and help with modulating from one chord to another.
...See more details with examples...
- Fixed problem where if VU was pressed before recording of an audio track started, it would not capture the start of recording.
- Fixed several other minor problems.
Problems fixed in version 2013.06.05:
- Fixed a problem with automatically updating accessories with the View / Update menu.
- When loading some MIDI-Format-0 files created by other MIDI editors, that had ResetAllController or General MIDI Reset System Exclusive events,
tracks were incorrectly played with a Piano sound.
It also sometimes incorrectly reordered some MIDI events that occurred at the same midi-tick time.
Changes in version 2013.06.02:
- Anvil Studio and all accessories are now based on .Net 4.0 which is automatically downloaded and installed if necessary.
- Improved File / Export Mixed Audio.
- Fixed problem in version 2013.05.02 where if 2 audio tracks were simultaneously recorded from the
left and right channels of the same device, they were both an octave too high.
- When time signature was 6/8 and tempo was 220, Print-Sheet was printing tempo as [quarter note] = 110
- Added menu Track / Repair in case you don't want to repair all tracks with File / Repair Song.
- File / Repair Song and Track / Repair can be interrupted by pressing the ESC key.
- Start menu item is now "Anvil Studio" instead of "Anvil Studio 2012".
Changes in version 2013.05.02:
- On Windows XP and later, it now supports importing and exporting .ogg audio files
as well as any audio file format that you have a DirectShow or ACM Codec installed.
Only download Codecs from trusted sources, as they are a common vehicle for viruses.
A setup program that installs ACM Codecs for the Vorbis ogg file format can be downloaded from
- Fixed a few Import / Export problems.
- The Rewind button sometimes caused extra spaces to be drawn on the staff.
Changes in version 2013.04.04:
- Added a native Flanger effect.

- File / Print now allows up to 30 tracks in a Conductor's Score
- Click the type column to convert existing audio tracks between 16/24/32 bit.
- Drag tracks up and down the track list.
- Fixed a problem from version 2013.04.01 where Importing certain audio files displayed a memory-reference exception.
- Fixed a problem where it was displaying dots in the wrong fret location on the guitar while entering a chord.
Changes in version 2013.04.01:
- Under Windows XP and later, File/Export Mixed Audio and File / Export Active Track
can now read non-WAV audio formats (.wma, .ogg, any format with a Windows ACM codec) as well as .WAV files with
different sample rates than the current song.
- With Windows 7 and later File/Import and Track/Create/Audio by importing
can now import and convert non-.WAV files (.aac, .mp4, .m4a, .wma, .ogg, etc.) as well as .WAV files with different sample rates than the current song.
- If you change your soundcard sample rate, e.g. from 44100 to 48000 samples per second,
it will now automatically convert your audio tracks while the file is loading.
- You can now copy and paste between 16, 24 and 32-bit (floating point) audio tracks.
- Improved the Delay effect by adding a Feedback control.
- Works with VST-Instruments that have over 128 banks of programs, such as the Arturia Prophet 5 and Proteus VX.
- Works better with the Proteus VX, and those like it that provide patch names.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- Changing the key signature in the middle of a track sometimes got confused.
- In rare situations, selecting Menu View / Keyboard + Guitar properties could report an error.
- Fixed several other bugs.
Changes in version 2013.03.01:
- Enhanced the Print-Sheet accessory:
- Replaced Staffs per page control with Note size control, while preserving layout of existing song files.
- Whenever Note size, Notes per line, or Staff height are adjusted, an image like this
gives a preview showing how notes will appear on the page, drawn to scale.
On metric systems, the scale is shown as 2 cm instead of 1 inch.

- Added a Conductor's score Score Option Show track names above staff.
When this is not set, track names are printed to the left of the printed staffs.
- Enhanced the Multi-View and Copy-Me accessories:
- Added an option to use the full screen (several staff lines) to display and edit a single track.
- When loading songs that have time or key signatures saved in the invisible first track,
that is now used as the default time and key signature for all tracks.
- Added an option to View / Options / MIDI, to the list Anvil Studio action to cause by MIDI Event, named Advance Playlist.
This allows you to trigger a MIDI event that advances to the next song in the current play list.
- Fixed several bugs.
Changes in version 2013.02.02:
- For Print-Sheet accessory, added check box Bold Staff Lines to enhance lines when using printers in toner-saver mode.
- For Multi-View accessory, when the Show Tracks button is pressed, added a check box
Fill the screen with the active track causing the score to be displayed on
several staff lines rather than a single staff line.
Changes in version 2013.02.01:
- Fixed Edit / Paste Special problem where it was sometimes pasting lyrics for one note beyond the last note in the clipboard.
- Fixed problem where View / Lyrics with no notes
- Fixed problem where View / Upgrade was saying version3.htm was in use by another process.
- On Windows XP when Multi-View was active, moving the mouse around, note properties pop-ups sometimes left blank spots on the display.
- Print Sheet Accessory: Added Show track names above staff checkbox to File / Print / Conductor's Score Options.
- It now prints custom fonts, e.g. 13/16, with the correct font.
- Performance Tool Pack Accessory: Controller tool could report division by zero error when very unusual MIDI file was currently loaded.
Changes in version 2013.01.07:
- Added Use Crochet, Quaver, ... for note lengths and Refer to Middle C as C4 checkboxes to View / Options / Staff.
- Minor improvements for note rendering on the staff.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- When a dynamic was inserted via Edit / Insert / Notation / Dynamics at the same place as a time signature,
the time signature was getting ignored.
- Now displays vb instead of va when notes fall below the staff.
- For some Windows 8 configurations, it would fail during startup with the message:
    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\(name)\AppData\Local\Anvil Studio' is denied.
- Was drawing horizontal staff lines too thinly with some printers in toner-saver mode.
- After selecting File / Print, and then pressing Preview, pressing Last Page now works correctly.
Changes in version 2013.01.02:
- Made several improvements to appearance of notes displayed on the staff.
- The Track / Merge menu now has better support for SATB (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) scores.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- When using View / Performer with a MIDI Controller tool, it was possible to get a division by zero error.
- When running on Windows XP, it was possible to right-click a note within a chord and select the Properties menu
and not be able to change the note's Pitch.
- When pressing the button that changes between horizontal and vertical layout in the Piano Roll editor,
it was possible to get the error "Index was outside the bounds of the array."
- Sometimes, the error "Value cannot be null.Parameter name: image" was reported.
Changes in version 2012.12.07:
- Minor improvements in how beamed 8th..64th notes are displayed on the staff.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- View / Upgrade would sometimes report the error Unable to access versions3.htm because it is in use by another process.
- Audio would sometimes sound distorted when using the Core Audio driver and playing a mono audio track, or playing a mix of audio tracks when the Stereo check box was unchecked in the Audio Out properties.
- It would sometimes report the errors:
- The value cannot be null. Parameter name: str, or
- Memory reference error.
- Print Sheet accessory version 2012.12.07 improvements:
- It now remembers paper size and orientation in the song file.
- Print-Preview lets you adjust Staffs per page, Notes per line, and Staff Height settings without having to leave the Print-Preview screen.
Changes in version 2012.12.05:
- Better support for SATB (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) tracks.
- Start with a song with 4 tracks, one each for soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts.
- For each track, select all notes, right-click and select Properties...
- For soprano and tenor tracks, set the checkbox "Force stem to point up".
- For alto and bass tracks, set the checkbox "Force stem to point down".
- Create a new track, named SATB.
- Select Track / Merge, and select .
- New version works well with audio drivers that are configured for 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound, where in previous versions
for audio drivers that didn't support the SpeakerFill enhancement, it would report Unsupported Format 88890008.
- The free version now supports audio with up to 192000 samples per second, so that
it doesn't prompt you to Change the Audio device to match Anvil Studio.
- File / Export Mixed Audio and recording Audio tracks now work well when the MIDI filename has Cyrillic or other non-ANSI characters.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes generated a Memory Reference Error.
Changes in version 2012.12.02:
- Since VST-Instruments can benefit from 24/32 bit mixing, this version enabled 24/32 bit mixing when Pro-Mix or Multi-Audio accessories are installed.
In previous versions, 24/32 bit mixing was only available when Multi-Audio accessory was installed.
- Improved dialog that is shown when FX button is pressed.
- Fixed a few bugs.
Changes in version 2012.12.01:
- Added ability to create, record, and edit 32-bit Audio tracks when Multi-Audio, Combo Accessory Pack, or Anvil Studio Works accessories are installed. This requires a soundcard that supports 32-bit recording.
- Added Help / Online Forum menu. Please use it to add your questions, share your insights, and suggest new features.
- Made several improvements to File/Export Mixed Audio, including fixing a problem that sometimes caused File/Export Mixed Audio to generate distortion in DirectX mode.
- Added button to toggle Piano Roll between horizontal and vertical.
- Added Wide Keyboard size property.
- Fixed a problem with Audio Editor's High/Low-Pass filter.
- If View / Mixer's Instrument column is set to none, no Program Change event will be output for that track.
- Added Search for... button to audio editor.
- Fixed a bug where the cursor would sometimes disappear from the Audio editor.
Changes in version 2012.11.04:
- Fix a bug with File / Export Mixed Audio that was introduced in version 2012.11.01.
- Improved the way notes are displayed on the staff, ensuring notes line up properly, and displaced notes are displayed on the proper side of the stem.
- Fixed a few minor bugs.
Changes in version 2012.11.01:
- Improved the way DirectX mode works when VST-Instruments are loaded.
- Improved the EQ effect, including adding a checkbox to its properties window
"Settings remain the same for duration of the track".
When unchecked in a Pro-Mix version, the controls represent the track's EQ settings
at the song's current position, because the EQ settings can change at different song positions.
- Fixed a problem that prevented selecting both clefs when lyrics were hidden.
Changes in version 2012.10.06:
- Added support the fretboard, TAB editor and Percussion editor when the Copy Me accessory is active,
so that when the mouse moves over a note, the correct fret position or drum is highlighted,
and when the Step button is pressed or MIDI event occurs, it works with those editors as well.
- Dragging notes from the palette to the staff now works properly when the Triplet, Quintuplet, or Septuplet checkbox is set.
- Improved beam lines.
- When Pro-Mix is installed, and 2 or more MIDI Out ports have the same name, e.g. USB Midi,
Anvil Studio remembers which synthesizers were connected to each from one session to then next.
- Several subtle improvements.
Changes in version 2012.10.02:
- Able to load more VST-Instruments including Proteus VX.
- Now runs on systems that don't have .Net 2.0 installed, but do have .Net 4.0 installed.
- Improved ability to select, move, and stretch symbols like slurs, crescendo, etc.
Changes in version 2012.09.02:
- Improved the Staff editor's Chord Builder tool.
- Print-Sheet accessory now allows more header lines.
- Some minor problems were also fixed.
Changes in version 2012.08.08:
- To set the volume/balance for multiple tracks to constant or change them by a percentage, either:
- press and hold the Shift key while clicking on a track's volume control, or
- right-click a track's volume control and select the popup menu item Change Volume for multiple tracks.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- View / Track Automation / Reset All: Automation for all tracks in song sometimes did nothing.
- When multiple notes were selected only in the treble or bass clef and the Properties pop-up was selected, it sometimes missed some notes.
- Since version 2012.08.01, rhythm tracks were reverting to Instrument tracks.
Changes in version 2012.08.06:
- Anvil Studio now works well with more VST-Instruments, including the Garritan Aria Player.
- File / Repair Song deletes redundant, unnecessary events.
- File / Save deletes all EndOfTracks except the last one.
Changes in version 2012.08.01:
- Added Chord Builder tool to the staff editor.
- Insert tempo changes at the current song position by clicking the Tempo icon at the top of the screen.
- Made several minor improvements to the staff editor.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- File / Export Mixed Audio sometimes generated distortion when set to ASIO mode.
Changes in version 2012.07.01:
- Added checkbox to Key Signature and Custom Time Signature dialogs to allow changes to apply to all tracks.
- Enhanced Track/Merge menu - it includes an option to merge all enabled tracks, and supports filtering out short notes.
- Added a Zoom control to the TAB viewer.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- Since version 2012.06.01, the View / Lyrics menu would sometimes not cause lyrics to be visible.
- More VST-Instruments are now supported, including the Korg M1 Le.
- Works well with more VST-Instrument Editors.
- Other minor problems.
Problems fixed in version 2012.06.03:
- Fixed some bugs with editing note properties with the staff editor and shortcuts that affect note properties.
Changes in version 2012.06.02:
- When playing a song that has VST-Instrument tracks and no audio tracks, adjusting the Audio Mix Vol slider while the song
is playing no longer causes the song to pause. Adjusting this slider can eliminate VST-Instrument distortion.
- Got around a problem where some VST-Instruments would crash when bringing their editor via the View / Mixer's FX button.
Changes in version 2012.06.01:
- Added View / Options / Staff / Automatically generate tied notes checkbox,
which changes staff so that if two notes are displayed in the same measure of the same clef,
e.g. a half note starts at beat 1 and quarter note starts at beat 2,
the half note is displayed as 2 tied quarter notes.
- Audio samples can be dragged from Windows Explorer folders to the staff editor and dragged right/left within the staff editor.
- Audio files can also be dragged to Audio editor and piano roll's Edit Samples window.
- Added support for Locrian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian modes to the existing Major and Minor keys.
- With the Pro-Mix accessory, if you right-click Edit Midi Effects and select Pitch Bend,
and set the checkbox Reset pitchbend at the end of the note, it now works better.
- When using Note Properties to change the duration for a range of notes, it was shifting following notes.
- Using the Lengthen/Shorten note shortcuts keys now works better when operating on a selection of multiple notes.
- Fixed several other bugs.
Changes in version 2012.05.08:
- When dragging a note from the palette to the staff, a large display now show's the new note's time and note's name as you drag the mouse.
You can lock the note's pitch by pressing the shift key and then continuing to drag the mouse to select the time.
If the Ctrl key is pressed while dragging the note, you can insert the new note at locations that overlap with existing notes where the Show: field controls the time-increment steps.
An example where this is useful would be, if a measure had two half notes, and you wanted to add a quarter note to the last beat of the measure.
- Audio Samples can now be dragged to the Staff from the Audio Samples list below the staff.
- Punch-In now supports MIDI recording the same way it has always supported audio recording.
- Not all VST-Instruments respond to MIDI events for Volume and Left-Right Balance (PanPot) so we added a checkbox named This VST-Instrument responds to MIDI Pan and Vol to the View / Synthesizers screen.
This is set by default. If you discover that a VST-Instrument does not seem to respond to
the View / Mixer screen's Volume or L/R Balance control's, uncheck this checkbox.
That will cause Anvil Studio to use those controls to alter the track's Audio volume.
- When using View / Note Properties to change the duration for range of notes, if the checkbox Shift Following Notes is unchecked,
the location of the notes will not be changed.
- When changing to ASIO mode, Anvil Studio now first releases the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synthesizer so that it
will not prevent the ASIO Driver from accessing the Audio Out device.
- Some improvements were made to how tied notes are displayed on the staff.
- In earlier versions, some songs whose tempo changed over time went silent when played to VST-Instruments.
- A bug was fixed that caused the File / Open and Play menu to report the file was not found when the folder was different from where the previous song had been loaded/saved.
Changes in version 2012.04.09:
- When dragging notes from the palette to the staff, as the mouse is moved left and right, a box at the top of the window tells the time where the note will be inserted.
- The staff displayed when --no grid-- is changed has been improved.
- A more useful message is displayed when an error occurs while using VST-Instruments.
Changes in version 2012.04.08:
- Added splitter bars and scroll bars to Piano Roll editor to make it easier to resize panels and scroll to desired notes within the panel.
- Increased the maximum volume of samples when played back in a song.
- For tracks played by a VST-Instrument, changing the track's Pan/Volume now has an effect even if the VST-Instrument does not respond Pan/Vol MIDI Events.
- MIDI effects parameters can now be edited within a loop with Pro-Mix.
- Added a Lock Score checkbox to the Piano Roll / Rhythm editor.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- When using the Audio editor's Filter / Change Volume, if the selection was made right-to-left instead of left-to-right, it was not altering the correct selection.
Problems fixed in version 2012.04.07:
- This version now supports more VST-Instruments.
- When a track was assigned to a VST-Instrument, composing by playing notes on an external keyboard.
was not causing the notes to be echoed by the VST-Instrument.
- File / Print / Score Options would incorrectly report an error in version 2012.03.01.
- File / Save would sometimes warn that two tracks had different time signatures, but would not correctly report what the time signatures were.
- FX button / Properties / Save Presets button would incorrectly report an error.
- In Percussion staff editor, in version 2012.03.01, addint a new drum to the palette would incorrectly report an error.
- File / Repair Song was sometimes removing the wrong redundant pitch bend events.
- Since version 2012.04.02, File/Export Mixed Audio was doing nothing.
- Metronome was sometimes not working properly.
- Added View / Options / Make Anvil Studio my .MID file player.
Changes in version 2012.04.01:
- Improved the Equalizer effect.
- With Pro-Mix accessory installed, VST-Instruments support automation of effect parameters.
- View / Track Automation's Control selector adds new buttons that: Show the next control that has been modified, Reset Automation for: all tracks, current track, a selected effect, a selected parameter of an effect.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- When a VST-Instrument was added by pressing the FX column, it was not echoing entered notes when composing.
- Several other bugs were fixed.
Changes in version 2012.03.01:
- This version does not uninstall the 2011 version, and you can move back and forth between the 2011 and 2012 versions.
Both versions have compatible file formats.
After you feel comfortable with the 2012 version, you can use the Control Panel to uninstall the 2011 version.
- Added Undo/Redo for drawing in automation window.
- Added Duplets and Septuplets to the staff editor.
- Fixed these problems that began occurring in the 2012.01.01 version:
- Playing songs that included audio samples was not working right.
- Playing Playlist files.
- It sometimes could not select the last note on a track.
- File / Print, and changing the number of staffs per page could cause Anvil Studio to incorrectly report that
the song had file format errors.
- Other problems fixed in this version:
- VST-Instruments would not echo entered notes after playback.
- Using View / Performer to run a program using an external MIDI keyboard to play sampled sounds was not working properly.
- Using View / Performer with Arpegio tool sometimes failed.
- Latency with CoreAudio sometimes reported Audio Out latency of close to 1 second when it should have been close to 0.
Changes in version 2012.01.06:
- In versions since 2012.01.01, File / Export Mixed Audio would sometimes fail when song had no audio tracks and output was not set to stereo.
- File / Save provides option to keep time signatures in all tracks consistent.
Problems fixed in version 2012.01.03:
- With some VST-Instruments, it would erroneously complain that it was unable to mix and play fast enough.
- Edits to a loop sometimes did not prompt to save changes before closing the file.
- In versions since 2011.11.01, deleting a track appeared in View / Mixer's track list before a track that had loops could cause loop references to become invalid.
- File / Export Mixed Audio and View / Latency / Analyze / Start sometimes complained that there are no Audio In devices even though none were needed for this operation.
- View / Upgrade Anvil Studio would sometimes report that it was unable to re-launch Anvil Studio because a file was not found.
- Improved the Help / Tutorials menu.
Changes in version 2012.01.01:
- The free version of Anvil Studio now includes access to a single VST-Instrument. This provides a wealth of new sounds and overcomes latency problems with the Microsoft GS Wavetable synthesizer.
With the Pro-Mix accessory a song can play to several VST-Instruments and MIDI Out ports at the same time.
- The free version supports audio sample rates up to 48,000 samples per second.
- With Multi-Audio 1/8 accessory, it supports sample rates as high as your soundcard supports, up to 192,000 samples per second.
- View / Options / General can now assign Ctrl+V to shortcuts, e.g. Edit / Paste Insert, Edit / Paste Over, Edit / Paste Mix, Edit / Paste Special, etc.
- The menus Edit / Insert Rests into All Tracks and Edit / Delete Selection from All Tracks are now also enabled
when editing Audio tracks. When used, they ask if change is to apply to all Audio and/or all MIDI tracks.
It lets you select units from Measures, quarter notes, ... Audio Samples, Milliseconds.
- When the Multi-Audio 8/16 is installed, you can record to MIDI and Audio tracks simultaneously.
- When multiple display monitors are available, Anvil Studio starts up in the same monitor it was in when it last closed.
In previous versions, it always started up in the primary display monitor.
- The new version works with more VST-Instruments including DSK_SF2. Works better with 32-bit int ASIO drivers.
If you have a VST-Instrument or DirectX effect that doesn't work with Anvil Studio,
please let know, and we'll address it.
- A problem with the Piano Roll / Rhythm editor's Snap-to-grid control was fixed.
Changes in version 2011.12.06:
- Added staff note right-click popup menu item Move this and all higher notes to new track.
- The menu Edit / Move selection to another track and right-click staff note popup menu Move selection to another track, allow you to move the selection to a new or existing track and allow you to move a subset of the notes based on note pitch.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- Versions without Pro-Mix sometimes had problems when View / Synthesizers switched between external MIDI synth and Microsoft GS Wavetable synth.
- Pressing Play sometimes erased notes in a loop.
- Handles [un]plugging USB MIDI devices more gracefully.
- It would get out of sync when playback was started part way into a song, where a Tempo change event occurred immediately before the 1st note to be played.
- Records Sustain events from external MIDI keyboards more reliably.
Changes in version 2011.12.04:
- Added popup menu Change or Delete all instances of this note when you right-click a note in the Staff or Rhythm editor, useful e.g. if you want to increase the volume of a particular drum.
- View / Options / MIDI now lets you specify a MIDI controller that controls Master Volume for audio tracks and VST-I output directed to the Audio Out device.
- Fixed a problem where updating master volume while a song was playing caused the song to pause.
- Does a better job of perserving Track Name and Instrument Name when converting to/from MIDI-0 formatted files.
- It is now possible to use the Sync button to specify the MIDI Master port when in MIDI Slave mode.
Changes in version 2011.12.01:
- Added new menus Edit / Insert Notation / Dynamics / Pedal and Release Pedal.
- Added note popup menu for Arpegiated Chord
- Made significant improvements to View / Performer, including a new MIDI Loop tool and support for Audio Samples by the Sound Module tool.
- Made improvements to the Music Drills accessory.
- Fixed the File / Repair Song menu, which since version 2011.11.01 was not removing as many redundant NotOn and NoteOff events as it could.
Changes in version 2011.11.10:
- Better Direct X support.
- Improved metronome. Now you can specify Audio clicks or a VST-Instrument to play the metronome clicks.
The metronome uses Latency settings to keep in sync with notes being played/recorded.
- Improved File / Print.
Changes in version 2011.11.08:
- Added new options to the CopyMe accessory.
- The per-track Balance control was not working correctly for tracks assigned to VST-Instruments.
- Simplified the options when it displays "The Audio device you have selected for Anvil Studio is different from the default Windows Control Panel device.
Changes in version 2011.11.03:
- You no longer need to choose between the staff editor and having loops within tracks.
You can move seamlessly back and forth between the Piano Roll / Rhythm and the Staff editor.
From Staff editor, select the menu Track / Loop this track.
From Piano Roll / Rhythm editor, right-click a loop and select Edit this loop with the Staff editor.
- Added 3 more symbols to the end of View / Composer's symbol palette.
- When a song is looping, e.g. because it was started by right-clicking the play button, the staff editor cycles through verses each time the song repeats, which can be useful while learning to sing a new song.
- Made changes so that files saved by Anvil Studio can always be read by Casio's SMF Converter tool.
- Added an octave of additional notes you can select when adjusting guitar tunings via the View / Keyboard & Guitar Properties menu.
- Fixed several bugs.
Changes in version 2011.10.15:
- File / Export Mixed Audio would fail sometimes when song had VST-Instrument tracks.
Changes in version 2011.10.08:
- With Pro-Mix installed, you can now record from more than one MIDI In port at the same time.
When used with the View / Options / MIDI / Record each channel to its own track,
you could simultaneously record 64 or more tracks where each one captured the notes from a different MIDI In device.
This could be useful in a classroom setting.
- After using the Sync tool to select a MIDI Master clock, Anvil Studio will calculate the tempo
for the recorded events and insert Tempo changes.
- Improved View / Synthesizers / Test MIDI Connections.
- Improved the View / Options / MIDI / Master Slave Sync Properties. Now
It lets you select which MIDI In port to use as the MIDI Master clock.
when recording from a MIDI Master, note durations are identical to their duration on the MIDI Master device and tempo events can be recorded.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- View / Options / MIDI / Record No Rests was not working.
- Lyrics were not being printed correctly for some songs with multiple verses and hyphens.
- When exporting mixed audio in a format other than the soundcard's default setting, it could generate an Out of memory error.
- Error 80041206 was sometimes reported.
Changes in version 2011.10.05:
- You can now change the Staff Style property among Treble+Bass, 2 Treble, 2 Bass multiple times per track.
- Edit / Undo menu describes action that will be undone. Same for Redo.
- Added several options to pop-up menu shown when you right-click a track in View / Mixer's track list.
- When right-clicking note(s) in the staff editor, and selecting Move to other track,
it defaults to the previous track you selected.
In previous versions, this moved all notes that occurred at that time, but now if a single notehead is clicked,
it is the only note that gets moved.
- When using the staff editor, when selecting a new track, it preserves the time displayed at the left margin, making it easier to compare 2 different tracks.
Changes in version 2011.10.01:
- Shows status in toolbar when data is received from a MIDI IN port, and when data is sent to a MIDI OUT port.
- Improved Edit / Insert MIDI Event / System Exclusive
- Added checkbox Synth is too slow to echo incoming events which replaces the Echo Midi Events to all synthesizers checkbox.
This is set true by default for high latency (slow) synthesizers such as the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synthesizer,
but it can be changed.
If the active track is assigned to this synthesizer, when recording from an external MIDI keyboard:
- if this is checked, the keyboard will generate its own tones without delay rather then using this slow synthesizer.
- if this is unchecked, the keyboard generates no sound, and Anvil Studio uses the active track's synthesizer, program, and channel to play the notes.
To do this, Anvil Studio sets the external MIDI keyboard's Local Control setting.
When a song is played back, Anvil Studio always uses the Synthesizer assigned to the track to generate sounds.
The tracks can be kept in sync in spite of the synthesizer's high latency by using the View / Latency screen.
- Added a new icon at the top of the View / Mixer screen has red arrows that show when a MIDI event has been sent to a MIDI port, or received from a MIDI port within the last half second.
- For the View / Synthesizers screen included with the Pro-Mix accessory:
- Added button Assign all tracks to this synth, which when pressed, assigns all tracks in the current song to be played on the selected synthesizer.
- Added button Set Default Synth, Bank..., which allows you to select the synthesizer, MIDI bank, and MIDI program to use when creating new tracks.
- For synthesizers that support them, added the ability to refer to 128 different drums in the Rhythm editor rather than the set of 47 General MIDI drums.
- It no longer asks you to decide where to save an untitled song file immediately after recording an audio track,
or when selecting the File / Export Mixed Audio menu. You can now leave the song Untitled until you exit, select File / New, or load another file, at which time you will be prompted to save it.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- It was leaving around files named UntiXXX.wav which it now cleans up.
- Sending System Exclusive messages to external synthesizers sometimes failed.
- Playing starting to play a long, starting in the middle, where the song had with lots of notes,
Anvil Studio would sometimes incorrectly report unable to play this song in perfect sync when the song finished, even though it did play it in perfect sync.
- File / Repair Song sometimes reported non-errors.
- When loading a song file with audio tracks, it would sometimes incorrectly report that an audio track's file was in use by another program.
- Quite a few minor problems.
Problems fixed in version 2011.09.05:
- Fixed some problems with playing back System-Exclusive MIDI events.
- File / Print when the TAB view was active would cause measure lines to get drawn in the wrong location.
- Some Mouse & keyboard selection problems were fixed.
- You can now select and delete an Up Beat notation.
- Since version 2011.09.03, after deleting a VST-Instrument, it sometimes displayed The MIDI-Out device Microsoft MIDI Mapper cannot be opened and may be in use by another application, error code 8004100E.
- Since version 2011.09.01, some beam lines incorrectly sloped down instead of up.
- Since version 2011.08.14, when using ASIO mode, recording an audio track did nothing if the song did not already have existing audio tracks.
Problems fixed in version 2011.09.03:
- When Sustain Off occurred at the same time as Sustain On, the Sustain Off event was getting filtered out, leading to way too much sustain.
- In version 2011.09.01, a bug was introduced that frequently caused it to ignore attempts to change a track's instrument.
Problems fixed in version 2011.09.01:
- You can now tie triplet or quintuplet notes.
- When recording a MIDI track, recording began at time 0 rather than the current song position.
- When editing an unquantized recorded track, selecting rests and deleting them sometimes deleted an adjoining note.
Changes in version 2011.08.07:
- Improved Piano Roll / Rhythm editor scrolling.
- When you click an instrument in the instrument selection window,
a brief sample of the sound is played so you don't need to click OK just to find it is not the instrument you wanted.
This can be turned off with a checkbox in the same window.
- The Edit / Redo menu item was added.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- Adjusting the volume of a selection of notes, the volume of the first next note (outside of the selection) was also changed.
- when deleting a selection of notes, the first next chord label (outside of the selection) was getting deleted as well.
- When going back from a note after measures of rests, it sometimes ignores the rests and goes directly to the previous note.
- Times were displayed and parsed as Measures:QuarterNotes:Ticks, and now they are displayed and parsed as Measures:Beats:Ticks.
- When using the Left Arrow key at the left margin, it sometimes skipped over one or more measures of rests, going directly to the previous note.
- Ctrl+Right Arrow would sometimes not cause scrolling past the right margin.
Changes in version 2011.08.05:
- When the mouse hovers over volume and balance controls, their current values are displayed.
- When mouse hovers over a note, note info is displayed as a popup.
- The track column resizing control now only appears when the mouse is over the top row.
- The menu File / Repair Song now works well on files that have rhythm / Piano Roll tracks that have loops.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- The text displayed to the left of the volume and balance controls while they are being adjusted sometimes disappeared.
- Open and Play, after changing folders, sometimes reported File cannot be found.
- File / Print / Conductor's Score / Track list was partially blocked.
- When using Core Audio, adjusting master volume while a song was playing sometimes caused the song to pause.
- The menu Track / Insert Chord Labels was sometimes ignoring the checkbox Name labels as if track was in the key of C Major.
- The menu Edit / Set Record+Play Start+End times was sometimes ignored when recording.
- Problems with the Music Drills / Exercises accessory's menu Practice / Scales / Key Signatures, and Practice / Timing / Drill.
- A measure that contains a Time / Key signature can now be combined with Begin / End Repeat, Double Bar, and Double End Bar notation.
- PacketTooLarge error sometimes occurred when using ASIO with some soundcards.
Problems fixed in version 2011.07.09:
- Fixed some MIDI and Audio sync problems.
- It was not responding to changes in View / Options / Audio / #output buffers.
- Since version 2011.06.10, a bug caused device latency settings to be ignored.
- Added button to remove a VST from the list of frequently-used VSTs.
Problems fixed in version 2011.07.04:
- With some VST-Instruments, only the first few bars could be heard.
- View / Options / MIDI / shortcuts could not be set.
- With Percussion tracks, sometimes a very low note would be displayed as a tie.
- Fixed several places that reported You have uncovered a bug in Anvil Studio...
Changes in version 2011.07.01:
- Note Properties' Move notes to other clef checkbox is now enabled when more than one note selected.
- Added View / Option / Staff checkbox In grid mode, click on staff to insert note.
When not checked, clicking just repositions the insertion point.
- By placing the cursor at the end of the current song before selecting File / Merge,
it gives the option to merge all tracks of the new song so they
begin playing after the currently-loaded song ends.
- Added a checkbox to ASIO Properties Twice as many mono ASIO input devices.
When not checked, ASIO inputs are treated as half as many stereo devices.
- When editing the percussion staff, the Add new instrument to palette
button has more options.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- The Add new instrument to palette button was always setting the drum to High Bongo.
- Right-arrow at right margin with zoom=2 was not advancing the staff cursor.
- Begin Repeat symbol was misplaced when combined with a NewLine symbol.
- Corrected some audio problems that caused it to generate the message You have encountered an error.
- Print Sheet accessory would sometimes could allow the 1st line left / right headers to be set to blank.
Changes in version 2011.06.15:
- Dragging a note on staff highlights the drum, piano note, or guitar string & fret.
- View / Options has a new checkbox to check for and optioanlly install new versions of Anvil Studio and its accessories every time Anvil Studio starts up.
- Versions 2011.06.10->12 were reporting an error during File / Exit based on a localization bug that only occurred in a few countries.
Changes in version 2011.06.09:
- Track / Add Chord Labels now lets you indicate that chords should be named as if they were in the key of C-Major, even if they are in another key.
- In Windows Vista or Windows 7, you can now [un]plug a USB sound adapter and Anvil Studio will react gracefully.
- If a track has more than one Program Change MIDI event, the correct program will now be displayed in the track list based on the song's position.
- With the Pro-Mix accessory, clicking on the Device or Instrument column, and then the Synthesizer list, a new entry add new synthesizer
lets you add a VST-Instrument or MIDI synthesizer without selecting View / Synthesizers.
- Edit / Insert Notation / Repeat / ... can now be added to the same measure that has an Up Beat symbol.
- When window is resized while the Piano Roll or Loop Editor is active, Anvil Studio now does a better job of reallocating screen space to various functions.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- If a VST-Effect and VST-Instrument had the same name, e.g. Kore Player, Anvil Studio could only load one or the other.
Now it can add both to the same song.
- Keyboard sometimes flickered.
- Beginning with version 2011.05.05, editing a tempo map had sluggish response, but no longer does.
- Loading songs with multiple MIDI channels in the same track could sometimes become very slow, to the point where the computer appeared to be hung. It is now nearly instantaneous.
Problems fixed in version 2011.06.03:
- The menu View / Edit lyrics in window with no notes now works with Karaoke files.
- The menu Practice / Ear Training / Voice was not working correctly.
- The menu Track / Split Track into multiple .WAV files was not working correctly.
- Fixed a problem with menu Edit / Paste to all Tracks.
Changes in version 2011.06.02:
- Improved screen layout
- Added menus Edit / Copy from all Tracks and Paste to all Tracks to Piano Roll and Rhythm editors. They were already in the Staff editor.
- When printing single-clef tracks with several lines of lyrics, the bottom lines of lyrics were not always visible.
- It is now possible to Edit / Insert Notation / New Line and
Edit / Insert Notation / Repeat / ... on the same measure.
- Practice Notes sometimes incorrectly reported errors
- Added new drag & drop icon for Prima Volta combined with Seconda Volta.
- Added menu items View / Ring Tone (SP-MIDI), and
View / Active Track's Highest Polyphonic Demands
to make it easier to generate mobile phone MIDI ring tones.
Changes in version 2011.05.09:
- Added menu item Edit / Stretch or Compress time which lets you select a range of notes and stretch/compress by an absolute or fraction amount. For example, select 3 quarter notes and change them to a set of 3 triplets.
- Made more improvements in the layout of beamed notes.
- Made improvements to the Note Properties window.
- Minor key signatures were getting drawn twice.
Changes in version 2011.05.08:
- Added trusted certificate authority signed code to protect the code from modification, and so browsers won't complain about downloading from an unknown source.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- Some spacing/layout problems with printing sheet music.
- A limited number of MIDI-0 files got loaded with 2 channels on one track.
- Beamed 16th notes were sometimes displayed as 8th notes.
- The menu Track / Align notes with measures sometimes did nothing.
Changes in version 2011.05.05:
- The Edit / Insert MIDI Event menu has been enhanced and all features of it are available in the free version.
- File / Print Problems fixed in this version:
- Per-track and per-file settings are saved consistently so they default to the values used the last time the track / song was printed.
- Sometimes when End-Repeat notation occurred at the end of a line, it was slightly off.
- Beamed notes take less horizontal space and the angle of beam lines is never large.
- Other Problems been fixed in this version:
- It was sometimes thinking that a VST was really a VST-Instrument.
Changes in version 2011.04.07:
- Added View / Options / Staff / Smooth jagged lines, which can be turned off if you prefer a sharper staff.
- Added View / Options / MIDI / option that can be set to:
Only record events from the active track's channel
Record events from all channels to the active track
Record each channel to its own track
- Problems fixed in this version:
- File / Export Mixed Audio sometimes generated an empty file if song only had MIDI tracks.
- Several Problems that caused Anvil Studio to display You have uncoverred a problem in Anvil Studio...
- When MIDI controllers were used for VST parameter Automation, it was only responding to MIDI events from Channel 1.
- When beams included 8th, 16th, and 32nd notes, the beam lines sometimes incorrectly extended half way to adjacent notes.
Changes in version 2011.03.06:
- Takes full advantage of CoreAudio functionality in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
- Export Mixed Audio works with every soundcard.
- Arrow keys now work when selecting from a combo box.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- Bug in version 2011.03.03 prevented editing lyrics with some keys.
Changes in version 2011.03.03:
- With the Multi-Audio 1/8 or 8/16 and a compatible soundcard, you can now record 24-bit at rates up to 192,000 samples per second.
- Updated some help files and fixed some Problems.
Changes in version 2011.03.01:
- Simplified View / Mixer and View / Options screens.
- View / Options now lets you specify a template file,
which will be used when File / New is selected.
For example, every time File / New is selected, the new song can have 4 audio tracks,
each already associated with a different audio source.
- It now detects your computer's Locale and selects an appropriate font for lyrics, including East Asian fonts.
- Problems fixed in this version:
- In some situations the program stopped working when outputting to MIDI Out ports.
- In some situations it was not showing the cursor advancing while recording audio tracks.
Changes in version 2011.02.12:
- Problems fixed in this version:
- In some configurations, it was unable to change which MIDI In port was used.
- Lengthening a note that was immediately followed by the same note said it was not possible, while now it shifts the following notes if Insert Mode is enabled.
- It was not drawing ties at the left or right margin in the staff editor.
- Screen layout was overcrowded when Control Panel / Display / Settings / Advanced / Large size (120 DPI) was set.
- With Multi-View, when using Scrollable range of tracks, the scroll bar was not responding properly.
- Sometimes, typing the space key in a lyric or comment field would start the song playing.
- Measures were not lining up properly in Multi-View or Print-Sheet conductor's score.
- Some songs were causing Anvil Studio to inappropriately display this message Computer is not fast enough to play this song.
Changes in version 2011.02.02:
- Added a button Edit MIDI Routing for this song to the Pro-Mix accessory's View / Synthesizer page. This lets you add any number of routing commands that cause MIDI events received from any MIDI In port to get routed to any MIDI Out port or VST-Instrument port. This can be useful during either a recording session or live performance.
- Added a menu item File / Open and Play which displays all of the song files contained in a given folder, which can be opened and played with a single mouse click.
- Added information to the Help / Tutorials menu that describes how to Use Anvil Studio's Pro-Mix accessory to control synthesizers during a live performance.
- Several Staff editing and display problems were fixed.
Changes in version 2011.01.07:
- View / Tablature would sometimes display a blank grid.
- When changing the tempo, it would sometimes warn that tempo was not constant when it was constant.
- It would sometimes erroneously report Error getting SFMAN Function Table
Changes in version 2011.01.04:
- Added Track / Properties... menu and checkboxes to disable display of Triplets and Quintuplets.
- Added Split into two notes popup menu in the Staff editor.
- Fixed problems related to:
- Setting Time / Key signatures.
- View / Composer / Lyrics Font button.
- Display measure number accurately in tracks with multiple time signatures.
- Position of dot that follows notes with stems up.
- File / Export Mixed Audio.
New features in version 2011.01.01:
- View / Composer
- Finer control over size of text and notes on screen.
- Added zoom control to change the size of the staff editing area.
- After changing the field that says --no grid-- to 16th notes, or the smallest note you will be working with,
you can click anywhere on the staff to insert a new note of the current note length.
- Lyrics, track names, and comments can now be in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other languages.
- Added View / Note Properties to make it easier to select one or more notes and view or change their properties.
- Select a range of notes and adjust the Volume slider to change the vol of selected notes.
- Select range of notes, Stacatto, Louder, Softer, ...
- Drag and drop notation like grace notes, trills, repeats, caesura from a palette to the staff.
- Added Copy / Paste / Undo to pop-up menus.
- Percussion editor employs standard percussion notation
- Select the menu Track / Create / Rhythm Track (Staff editor), or
in the Composer window, change the track's Style property from Treble + Bass to Percussion.
- Right-click on the drum palette to define the symbol and MIDI note for a new percussion instrument.
- File / Print
- Better print preview
- More control over staffs per page, zoom, measures per bar, size of staffs and notes.
- More options when printing a Conductor's score.
- Effects
- When Pro-Mix accessory is installed, Anvil Studio can now act as a Rewire master.
- Native effects editors are no longer modal - they can remain open and dynamically edited while the song is playing.
- When the Pro-Mix accessory is installed, native effects work with Automation, the same way VST effects have in previous versions, allowing you to record non-destructive effects modifications while the song is playing.
- Effects can be disabled with a checkbox, but they still retain their properties.
- Added a check box to the View / Option / MIDI screen so a track can have multiple Program Change events.
- To copy and paste between 2 song files, start two copies of Anvil Studio with different songs loaded, and copy and paste between them.
- View / Performer - Sound Module tool can map keys to sampled sounds
- Added a Font button to View / Options so you can change Anvil Studio's font.
- Added tutorials for
- aligning notes with beats and measures,
- stretching / compressing notes over time,
- using Anvil Studio with VST-Instruments,
- compensation for MIDI and Audio device latency and working with low-latency ASIO and Virtual Instruments.
- using Anvil Studio with ReWire-compatible applications.
Copyright © 1997-2022 by Willow Software.